


Original title: OMEGA

Written and directed by: Matteo Scarfò

With: Francesco Nicita, Daniele Camerra, Bruno Armeni, Gabriele Scarfò, Irene Scarfò, Marco Cardillo, Vincenzo Brullo, Enzo Middonti, Alessandra Nicita, Giampiero D'Alessandro, Annalisa Di Benedetto, Daniele Ferlisi, Gabriele Chinè Milieri

Duration: h 0.30

Nationality: Italy 2009

Genre: fantastic

An adaptation from the short story "The paradox" from the collection "Man eats man" by Matteo Scarfò and Lucia Patrizi, La Mongolfiera Publishing.

Synopsis: In a faculty of physics located in an unspecified place, a professor has to deal with a frightened young man who asks for help. Once the meeting is accepted, the young man introduces himself as Richard Heim, and the professor recognizes him as the former medical student who was dismissed from his faculty due to some illegal experiments. Heim tells his incredible stories lived in another dimension and the professor, at first skeptical, lets himself be carried away by the increasingly amazing stories of the young man, coming to the point of upsetting his certainties. The young man, who becomes more and more mysterious, succeeds in undermining the lucid rationality of the professor, putting him in the position of not being able to distinguish the real from the unreal. Until the end...


01 January 2009


Short Films
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